Thursday, September 29, 2016

Subject and Verb Agreement Exercise

1.        Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.
Annie and her brothers are at school.
2.        Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.
Either my mother or my father is coming to the meeting
3.        The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.
The dog or the cats are outside.
4.        Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.
Either my shoes or your coat are always on the floor.
5.        George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to see that movie.
George and Tamara don't want to see that movie.
6.        Benito (doesn't, don't) know the answer.
Benito doesn't know the answer.
7.        One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France.
One of my sisters is going on a trip to France.
8.        The man with all the birds (live, lives) on my street.
The man with all the birds lives on my street.
9.        The movie, including all the previews, (take, takes) about two hours to watch.
The movie, including all the previews, take about two hours to watch.
10.    The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.
The players, as well as the captain, wants to win.
11.    Either answer (is, are) acceptable.
Either answer are acceptable.
12.    Every one of those books (is, are) fiction.
Every one of those books is fiction.
13.    Nobody (know, knows) the trouble I've seen.
Nobody know the trouble I've seen.
14.    (Is, Are) the news on at five or six?
 Are the news on at five or six?
15.    Mathematics (is, are) John's favorite subject, while Civics (is, are) Andrea's favorite subject.
Mathematics is John's favorite subject, while Civics (is, are) Andrea's favorite subject.
16.    Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a movie these days.
Eight dollars is the price of a movie these days.
17.    (Is, Are) the tweezers in this drawer?
Are the tweezers in this drawer?
18.    Your pants (is, are) at the cleaner's.
Your pants is at the cleaner's.
19.    There (was, were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is, are) only one left!
There were fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is, are) only one left!
20.    The committee (debates, debate) these questions carefully.
The committee debates these questions carefully.
21.    The committee (leads, lead) very different lives in private.
The committee lead very different lives in private.
22.    The Prime Minister, together with his wife, (greets, greet) the press cordially.
The Prime Minister, together with his wife, greets the press cordially.
23.    All of the CDs, even the scratched one, (is, are) in this case.
All of the CDs, even the scratched one,  are in this case

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Subject Verb Agreement

Hello my friend today part of a real English, since early does not make me miss given the task of summarizing the material that was given early miss. Her material as follows


Which one is the correct sentence?1. One of my sisters are going on a trip to the United States.
2. One of my sisters is going on a trip to the United States.

Subject is the person / people / thing (s) that do the activity.I, you, they, we, she, he, it, my dad and my mom, Linda, Sussi, Linda and Sussi, the bank, the flight schedule, etc.

Verb is a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence.

ACTION VERBAction verbs are verbs to express that the subject was doing an action or to declare that although things happen. This verb is also called dynamic• Also known as MAIN VERB.
• Action verbs are words that express action (give, eat, walk.) Or possession (have, own.).
• Action verbs can be either transitive (with object) or intransitive (without object).
1. Laurissa raises her hand.
2. Gave Abdus Becky the pencil.
3. Laurissa rises slowly from her seat.
4. He was pontificating about art and history.

A linking verb connects the subject of a sentence to a noun or an adjective that describes or renames the subject.
1. To Be: is, am, are, was, were
Example:Lisa is in love with Jason.We were there!I am happy 
2. Verb: seem, Appear, Become, grow, Werner, get, Prove, turn, look, sound, smell, taste, feel.
Example:She looks pale.I feel happyThat sounds great!Your cook smells good.


Helping verbs are used before action or linking verbs to Convey additional information regarding aspects of possibility (can, could, etc.) or time (was, did, tenderloin, etc.)
1. modals always function as Helping Verbs.
2. modals: can, could, may, MIGHT, shall, will, ought to, should, would.
examples:1. Tejo is (helping verb) going (main verb) to Florida.
2. The trip MIGHT (helping verb) be (main verb) dangerous.
3. Tanya could learn to fly helicopters. (Could helps the main verb, learn.)
4. Janine will drive to Idaho tomorrow. (Will helps the main verb, drive.)

MAIN RULE OF"Subject Verb Agreement"Only the subject Affects the verb!RULE 1
Subjects and verbs must agree in number. This is the cornerstone of the rule that forms the background of the concept.
examples:The dog growls when it is angry.
The dogs growl when they are angry.
Do not get confused by the words that come between the subject and verb; theydo not Affect agreement.
examples:The dog, who is chewing on my jeans, is usually very good.
Prepositional phrases between the subject and verb usually do not Affectagreement.
examples:The colors of the rainbow are beautiful.
When sentences start with "there" or "here," the subject will always be placedafter the verb, so care needs to be taken to identify it Correctly.
examples:There is a problem with the balance sheet. Here are the papers you requested.
If two subjects are joined by and, they typically require a plural verb form.
examples:The cow and the pig are jumping over the moon.
The verb is singular if the two subjects separated by and refer to the sameperson or thing.
examples:Red beans and rice is my mom's favorite dish
If one of the words each, every, or no comes before the subject, the verb is singular.
examples:No smoking or drinking is allowed.
Every man and woman is required to check in
If the subjects are both singular and are connected by the words or, nor,Neither / nor, either / or, and not only / but Also the verb is singular.
examples:Jessica or Christian is to blame for the accident.
The only time when the object of the preposition decides plural or singular verb forms is when the noun and pronoun subjects, like some, half, none, more, all, etc. are Followed by a prepositional phrase. In These sentences, the object of the preposition determines the form of the verb.
examples:All of the chicken is gone.
All of the chickens are gone.
The singular verb form is usually used for units of measurement or time.
examples:Four quarts of oil was required to get the car running.
If the subjects are both plural and are connected by the words or, nor, Neither / nor, either / or, and not only / but Also, the verb is plural.
examples:Dogs and cats are both available at the pound.
If one subject is singular and one plural and the words are connected by the words or, nor, Neither / nor, either / or, and not only / but Also, you use the verb form of the subject that is nearest the verb.
examples:1. Either the bears or the lion has escaped from the zoo.
2. Neither the lion nor the bears have escaped from the zoo.
Indefinite pronouns (everything, anything, everyone, someone, somebody, nothing, etc) typically take singular verbs.
examples:Everybody wants to be loved.
Everything is gonna be alright.
Except for the pronouns (few, many, Several, both, all, some) that always take the plural form.
examples:Few were left alive after the flood.
Several students understand the material.
If two infinitives are separated by and they take the plural form of the verb.
examples:To walk and chew gum to require great skill
When gerunds are used as the subject of a sentence, they take the singular verbform of the verb;but, when they are linked by and, they take the plural form.
examples:1. Standing in the water was a bad idea.
2. Swimming in the ocean and playing drums are my hobbies.
Collective nouns like family, committee, herd, senate, class, crowd, etc. usually take a singular verb form.
examples:1. The herd is stampeding.
2. Cooper family always Attends the annual party.
Titles of books, movies, novels, etc. are treated as singular and take a singularverb.
examples:1. The Burbs is a movie starring Tom Hanks.
2. Harry Potter has Reached Top 3 Best Seller books

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

2 things that i always bring everywhere i go

I'll tell you about two things that I always carry with me wherever I go. The first item is always a phone, why I chose handphone? because the mobile phone has become one of the tools that are important to me, the phone is a tool that can facilitate me in finding some important information in lectures or in anything else. and mobile phones can also be easier for us to communicate over long distances or at close range. mobile phones can also eliminate bored and saturated. Why is that? because we all know mobile phones have many uses. if bored, I can play, I listen to music, and I was able to take pictures selfie or selfies with my friend. I can also capture the moment by taking photographs.
And the second item that I always take it wherever I go is my wallet, why I chose wallet? because the most important thing wherever I go is to carry a wallet. in the wallet can contain my identity card such as, ID cards, driver's license, vehicle registration, KTM (student ID card) and others. and to facilitate my wallet in the store's identity as I mentioned just now. though I sometimes like to forget to bring your wallet when traveling.

yes that's the story of two important things always take wherever I go and thanks.

(210 words)

Thursday, September 22, 2016

5 tense we frequently use

helo my friend will describe the material that I can study English today
Used to express habitual actions or routines and general facts.
{I, YOU, THEY, WE} → use [DO]{SHE, HE, IT} → use [DOES]

(+) S + V1 (s / es)
(-) S + do / does + not + V1
(?) Do / does + S + V1

subject present past
I am was you they are were wes he is was height

(+) Egi takes a bath twice a day
(-) Egi do not takes a bath twice a day
(?) Does egi takes a bath


Used to declare a sentence that happened in the past.

(+) S + V2
(-) S + did + not + V1
(?) Did + S + V1

 we (like) the beach so much (she)
(+) He like the beach so much
(-) He do not like the beach so much
(?) Did we like the beach so much

bonus: in: citg
          on: non completead dicss
           at: specisfsl place


 used to express the ongoing activity, while PAST used to declare the ongoing activity yesterday.

(+) S + Be + Ving
(-) S + Be + not + Ving
(?) Be + S + Ving



(+) They are going to campus by bus
(-) They are not going to campus by bus
(?) Are they going to campus by bus

sed to express events that have not occurred, still in rencakan, or events in the future.
(+) S + Will + V1
(-) S + Will + not + V1
(?) Will + S + V1


(+) They will go to campus by bus
(-) Will they go to campus by bus
(?) They will not go to campus by bus?


Used to declare events that have occurred and the result still feels / looks.


(+) S + has / have + V3
(-) S + has / have + not + V3
(?) Has / have + S + V3


(+) They have gone to campus by motorcycle
(-) They have not gone to campus by motorcycle
(?) Have they gone to campus by motorcycle?

1. She (drink) coffe (S. Past)She drank coffe
2. They (start) the course (Pr. Perfect)They have started the course
3. Ana & Linda (open) the account (Past Cont.)Ana and Linda were opening the account
4. The bank (close) at 5 p.m (S. Present)The bank closes at
5 p.m5. The dog (run) through the park (S. Past)The dog ran through the park

Thank you for reading my post,

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

My Favorite Selfie

selfie? I will explain briefly what it selfie. selfie is a kind of self-portrait photo is taken someone with a digital camera or camera phone. And I just know selfie lately. in my opinion, to use technology to digital, selfie can be very helpful to me to capture a moment in which the moment is very meaningful to me personally. I also have some photos selfie, although I am also not too fond selfie photo. but I'll show you a picture of my favorite selfie photo.

Well, it is my selfie photograph around a few months ago, when I was on holiday with a friend and my best friend, and it may be one of those moments are very precious to me.and at that time I really enjoy his beautiful beaches on one of the beaches in West Kalimantan, the beach was not as beautiful compared to the beaches in a few islands in Indonesia.I really liked the selfie photo, because the moment of the beach that is rarely I go, why I am so capture the moment of the selfie photo? The beach lies because I am far from where I live, so I feel very fortunate because can visit the beaches and immortalize its image.

your reason choosing your study major at UNTAN

English assignment intro's the name of my Gusnaldi, the reason why I chose a college Tanjungpura, I chose unuversitas Tanjungpura is because I think the university Tanjungpura is a university city, qualified and not inferior to the quality of other universities in Indonesia, in addition to the u university Tanjungpura not put quality A major intellectual but also the manners and intelligence are also preferred, which is based at the university honesty promontory temple also many facilities for learning support students and many also provide facilities such as wifi internet. in addition to the above reasons the family support is also ultimately led me to choose university review headland the temple as the continued selection of my university studies at the Tanjungpura. but is not it also the driving Tanjungpura I chose a college that was out of impulse sayah was very strong for college and university studies in the Tanjungpura and I am very fortunate and grateful that once could enter university Tanjungpura and many of my friends who are less fortunate. even if I qualify for self-selection 1 I was very fortunate and grateful that once even though many are not able to escape I hope the do not be discouraged because there are many other universities are still open to new admissions. excuse me next is why I chose the university Tanjungpura because unuversitas Tanjungpura for university Tanjungpura is very strategic for me and easily achieved by using different means of transportation whatsoever, and not only university Tanjungpura are also a lot of organizations in it can be followed by univwersitas students Tanjungpura as BM organization and many others. so much from me about the various reasons why I chose to study in UNTAN, so I said right thanks ...

Gusnaldi introduce my name, used to be called as asep. I was born in the river of thorns, 17 april 1998. I was the first child of five siblings. Originally my school SMA Negeri 1 Turmeric River. My hobby is playing football. Now I continue my studies UNIVERSITY OF TANJUNG PURA, semester 1. The introduction of umpteen me, I thank you ..
instagram gusnaldi_putra1